Friday, July 16, 2010

Dog lake

We went hiking up millcreek to dog lake last weekend.  The last time we tried to go up there, Andrew was on call and had to go into work.  So poor Henry got 3/4 of the way there and we had to turn around. This time we made it the whole way up and back with no major incidents.
These are my poor feet after the first 6 mile hike in my chacos.  5 blisters and counting.

1 comment:

Dena said...

As good as these pictures are, they do not do justice to the beauty of our wild flower covered mountians. becuase we have seen extra rain this year it is especially green and colorful.

Just a couple more days and it is official, Stephanie is no longer a student. She is officially a registered nurse. What a woman!
Hurray, Congratulations! Way to go!

Love, Mom