Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve Snowshoeing

Last year Andrew and I started a Christmas eve snowshoeing tradition. Due to my work schedule this year we went a day early but it was super fun none the less. It had just snowed and was still snowing slightly and it was beautiful! We hiked up millcreek canyon, took some hot chocolate and Henry. Henry was of course in heaven and I was pretty happy myself. It was gorgeous and there was hardly anyone up the mountain; it was so peaceful. And the best part of it all--I got to spent it with my two favorite boys in the whole wide world! Best way to spend a Christmas Eve(or the day before)

Our yummy hot chocolate

My boys

cutest picture ever

Henry's paws after the hike--full of snowballs


Angie said...

I am going to toally need snowshoes when we move to CO-do they come it kid sizes?

Cassi said...

Your dog looks Chinese in that pic.
Silly pup.

Dena said...

how wonderful...

Love Mom