Friday, August 6, 2010

people, please!

Triage in the ER can be an.....interesting task.  Here is a conversation that took place while in the ER.
Nurse: What are we seeing you for today?
Patient: I have a sunburn on my face.
Nurse: Uh-huh.....
Patient: I have been putting my monastat cream(yeast infection cream) on to keep it moisturized.
Nurse: Why have you been putting on yeast infection cream on a sunburn.
Patient: because the box said it was for itching and burning.
Nurse: (dumb founded look followed by a head shake and a lot of typing)

I also went to the jail a couple of weeks ago on a tour(or at least that's what I am telling people) and we walked into one of the cell blocks.   The jail warden made an announcement, "If I hear any cat calls or whistling, you are all on lock down for the rest of the night." This was followed by a short pause and a whistle from an inmate.  I  almost lost it. I love the lack of impulse control.  The warden then told them all to thank the whistler because now they wouldn't be out of their cells till tomorrow afternoon.
He he.

 I love dumb people


Alicia said...

I love your sunburn story! It makes me laugh every time I think about it.

P.S. I need you to update your blog about the last day of school so I can steal your pictures. Thank you.

Angie said...

Umm- are you supposed to go to the ER for a sunburn 'cause I usuallly slather it with aloe and go on with things? Should I be seeking medical attention after such occurances? Am I negelcting my health and well-being? So glad you posted this. Knowing is half the battle. (bonus points for the reference on that last quote)

Sherrie said...

HAHAHA I LOVE dumb people! They always provide such great stories for those of that are more intelligent. Thanks for sharing :)