Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We're THOSE people

You know those people with one hand out the window holding the mattress on?  Ya we're those people.
Ok, Andrew actually did a great job tying the mattress on and we didn't have any problems but all I could think of the whole way home was "please don't fly off, please don't fly off" We totally kept sticking our hands out the window to see if the mattress was lifting at all but Andrew's knots held like a champ.  I say that because when I asked him what kind of knot he was tying-he shrugged his shoulders and said "I don't know?" So you just made them up? "yep"

We got the mattress home safe and sound so we could put it in our guest bedroom for the Skousen's (and anyone else who wants) to come and visit. We are so glad they came to visit and everything seemed to work out great.  More to come soon.....


Alicia said...

Ha ha! I had no idea it was such an adventure getting the mattress home. It was really comfy, though! Thanks so much for giving us an awesome place to sleep. I already wish I could come back!

Angie said...

I love that you did this.